URe Inc. Приложения

全方位髮藝 1.1
URe Inc.
Allaspect全方位沙龍於1996.12.31誕生,轉眼經歷了10幾個年頭,在廣大顧客支持下,陸續成立了Allaspect及Cf日式造型沙龍,服務不同族群的消費者。全方位髮藝APP 【特色】以貼近您的需求出發,提供全方位旗下各分店完整服務資訊,及駐店設計師風格、作品集、流行趨勢,讓您更快速找到心目中的理想造型,改造過程中,也能快速連結到FB粉絲團跟朋友分享您的最新造型!您需要的都在【全方位髮藝】◆ 品牌介紹關心您愛的品牌歷史,從心欣賞不一樣的美◆ All aspect NEWS包含最新活動消息、品牌動態、優惠折扣,通通在這裡◆ 現場目擊分店完整資訊,在APP中直接預約、諮詢、欣賞設計師最新作品集◆ 流行趨勢當季流行趨勢 造型指標 時尚髮色 讓您隨時走在時尚尖端【版權所有】2013 Allaspect Salon. All Rights Reserved.
一路一路 1.0.4
URe Inc.
發掘在地的好物,傳遞堅持的信念,擴散初心的真誠,一路一路希望可以帶給大家各地的實在好物.我們去拜訪每個生產者,了解他們的用心,和堅持下去的理念,也希望把這樣的生活態度帶給每一位.目前我們的重點以有機友善蔬果作物為主,把當季的好食材直接從生產者送到消費者手中,希望建立產銷的網路,更促進對人,對環境友善的正向循環.未來有會陸續推出其他加工製品,以及傳統工藝作品等,把好東西分享給大家,是我們覺得很開心而且要持續下去的事情!Excavation in the groundagood thing, passing adhere to the belief, the proliferation ofearlyheart sincere hope that we can bring you all the way all thewayaround it is a good thing. We went to visit each producer,tounderstand their intentions, and stick to the concept, I hopetobring this attitude to life of every.Currently we are focusing on organic fruits and vegetablesafriendly crops mainly to good seasonal ingredients directlyfromproducers to consumers, hoping to establish sales network, butalsoto promote the human, environmentally friendly positivecycle.The future will continue to introduce other processedproducts,as well as traditional crafts and other works, the goodthing foreveryone to share, and we are very happy to continue todo!
台南一路一路 1.5.0
URe Inc.
因為在這裡的這些人,所以我愛上了這個地方!透過張張『動人寫真』呈現給您最原始,最真誠的台南風味!台南一路一路介紹台南各行各業的職人,透過他們的故事,讓我們更瞭解這些長年在台南居住和生活的人,他們的工作態度,和對自己要求與堅持的精神.這一版增加了在地名物推薦以及線上購買機制,喜歡就可以馬上擁有!我們將持續搜尋推薦在台南有特色的好東西,希望您可以和我們一同體驗並享受在地好物!Because these peoplehere, so I fell in love with this place! By Zhang "moving portrait"presents to you the most original, the most sincere Tainan flavor!Tainan Tainan way all the way to introduce staff person walks oflife, through their stories, let us know more about these peoplelive long and live in Tainan, their attitude, and their ownrequirements and adhere to the spirit.This version adds things recommended in place names and onlinepurchase mechanisms, like you can have right now! We will continueto search in Tainan distinctive recommend a good thing, I hope youcan join us to experience and enjoy the good things in theground!
高雄酷社區 1.0.2
URe Inc.
這裡有在地社區綠美化的故事和成果,國寶級工藝大師的技藝和作品,在地方默默耕耘的人物故事,地方特產與傳統美食,有許許多多關於高雄你更可以去深度接觸的對象.這也是一個相互交流的平台,讓社區的人事物可以被其他人看見,分享,和進一步切磋,相互成長.這個APP除了一篇一篇的故事之外,也可以轉換地圖瀏覽模式,讓您就近知道我們報導的對象所在位置,也可以把喜歡的故事加入書籤收藏,更可以把看到的故事分享到FB,讓更多的朋友瞭解,感受高雄社區的美好!Here is the story ofthelocal community beautification and results, nationaltreasuremaster craftsman skills and works quietly in the localcharacterstory, local specialties and traditional cuisine, thereare manymore you can go about Kaohsiung depth contact with theobject. Itis also a mutual exchange platform for people and thingsthecommunity can be seen other people, sharing, andfurtherdemonstrate their mutual growth.This APP addition to an article in the story, you canalsoconvert map browsing mode, so you know where the nearest objectwereported, can also bookmark favorite story collections, but alsotoshare the story to see FB , so that more friends to understand,tofeel better Kaohsiung community!